20 years of just because you can.

Back in 2006 alt-weekly paper The Wire put out the challenge to “record an album in 28 days, just because you can.” Since then, the Record Production Month Challenge has spread across the globe and inspired a countless number of people to record and share their music.

The RPM Challenge is open to anyone, it’s not a contest, and, these days, if you want to start small and record just one track, you can. We're a community of music makers who help each other through the steps — from first take to final mix.

Let’s make some music this February.

Hear the Music

Check out the RPM Map Jukebox to hear some of the amazing music made around the world in 2023 and 2024.

Why take the RPM Challenge?

  1. It's not a contest.

  2. It's free to take part.

  3. It will challenge you as much as you want it to.

  4. It's an excuse to make music with friends or on your own.

  5. It will motivate you to spend time doing something you love.

  6. It connects you with a supportive community of other musicians.

  7. It's a reason to try something new.

  8. It makes February go by quicker.

  9. It’s fun.

  10. It doesn’t have to be good, it just has to be done.

Record Every Month

Why should February have all the fun?

The Record Every Month Challenge is an ongoing challenge to record one original track a month.

No need to register in advance and no need to commit to the full year, just create a track and submit for the monthly listening party.

Check out an archive of the most recent listening party stream below.