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REM Listening Party

  • St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador Canada (map)

Join us for this month’s Record Every Month Listening Party, starting at 4:30pm Newfoundland Standard Time. Find your local time here.

Listening Stream: RPM Challenge Radio
Live Chat: RPM Challenge Discord server

AMUCThe Artifact (Demons In The Code) lyrics popped into my head a few months ago, so I figured I'd run with them. Tried a faster-paced electronic song, after listening to some of the Twitch DJ's do their thing. (The proggier elements smuggled their way into the mix, though.)Electronic
Big RipsWake Up Calla work in progress from a new album I'm working on. more 90s emo-y stuff with drums, guitars, bassRock
Blind ColoursSignal Lost Beyond the Sun idea of space exploration has haunted many a romantic dream. But we should also keep in mind that it might be a one-way ticketElectronic, Rock
BogStompFight Another DayI came up with this while playing around with open G tuning. The theme: Not every battle is worth fighting, sometimes it's better to walk awayRock
Bogwash SallyNe0n Vltr4vi0letA wild exper1mentNoise
Buku PandaThe Essence of a track I couldn’t submit in time a couple months ago ( Same vox as the first with added scratching at the end (a pitched sample of myself from another (non REM) track that got pitched down in the bpm conversion, which I dug. All production done on an older gen iPad mini (3). Vox recorded in Garageband with the iPad’s internal mic. The composition for the first half was done using various apps in Audiobus (including Yonac Magellan 2 for the piano and sci-fi hi-pitch sound) tracked out to and arranged in Samplebot. Second half was composed in Garageband. Scratches done in Samplr. The final mix and arrangement was done in Zenbeats.Hip-hop
Dandy From HomeThe Rush something a little slower this month, no singing about the devil this time haha.Pop, Rock
David Cooper OrtonAugust Table Topper ambient excursion with minimalist structural underpinning. Started with a livelooping experiment, transferred to the PC for extensive editing and recomposing/reconstruction.Electronic
David ThorleyMan Leaps From Moving Plane saw this headline and made up a story to go with it. (Caveats: 1. I wrote these lyrics before I saw the horrifying images of people clinging to the wheels of planes in Kabul this month and my song has nothing to do with that; 2. apologies if file quality is poor - I had to compress to bring below 10mb).Folk, World, & Country, Rock
Diana BaileyCon Artist, World, & Country, Pop
Elling LienUnsure
Evil SuitcaseYour Dark SmileI came up with the chorus early in the month, then waited in vain for inspiration to strike for the rest. But it never did, so I just came up with some random stuff and stapled it all together.Rock
Jai Mohani used to dream of you (demo)Classical, Rock
Jai Mohanweight of your worldthis month, i remade a song i wrote last year for voice and ukulele. i changed the key to accommodate my changing voice (yay HRT!) and changed the ukulele to a harp, adding subtle piano and viola. the subject matter's kind of heavy− it's about being the "therapist friend," being used for emotional support in a one-sided relationship.Pop
Jeff BurchettMost Like Oneself read a quote attributed to Thelonoious Monk to the effect that a genius is a person who's most like themself, so I tried to embrace creating music purely for myself this month.Electronic
Joel Glenn WixsonOn Your WayThis song is about that complex moment in parenting when your kid's lives begin to require more space than can be found with you. It is about the pain and joy of seeing your child start off on their own adventure and realizing that it can't include you. It is the most wonderful and horrible thing I have ever experienced. It's about learning what love really requires.Rock
KR SewardAhg Eee Emmhttps://krseward.bandcamp.comVarious oscillations, delay and stuff.Electronic, Noise
Luna PonderosaThe Other House of guitar through a couple of boxes on each side, plus a dash of flavor from the back yard.Blues
Magic BulletGeorge's Tool's-tool-(at-full-length)For our seventh offering for the RPM Challenge, we wanted to do something a bit different to the usual 35 minute ear-bleeders we had been turning out, give Elling and co a break, as it were. Okay, there's still power tools involved (Skit wouldn't come out of the cupboard until I agreed, and come on, we are Magic Bullet),but there's a really catchy rhythm track too and we were both well pleased with the results. Our undying gratitude to George for letting us record his tool when he did our patio, that's him saying "How's that?" and "There ya go." We told him we'd make him famous, so take a bow, George, this is your big moment, your tool is now the stuff of legend...Noise
Michael SorensonConundrumLooking back on the track, there are a few things with the beat itself I wanted to fix. A few parts seemed out of beat, but then again, the electric piano was the main source of frustration, since I fell out of beat with the Electronic Piano, and then proceeded to make a breakdown beat around it. Oh well. Hahaha for my third EDM track, I would say I'm getting better.Electronic, Noise
Michael SorensonHopMade a really breathy pluck. Honestly don't know if I like the pluck, but it's there, it's done. It's all good from my end.Electronic
Michael SorensonThe Crux
Mikey Hogan and the PenguinsAntarcticaClimate change has forced most of humanity to live on Antarctica. But that's ok because Antarctica is coooooooool...Rock
Neil Nebula22 22
Omama OthmanRight (t)here
Salman AhadKeep Some DistanceI think this is a spiritual continuation of the Loki-inspired project I started, but not sure if this still counts because I didn't really carry over any melody lines but oh well! Hope you all enjoy!Classical, Jazz
Savory FlakesYoung Miss HendersonThat feeling you get when you remember a person that could have completely changed your world, though you would have to learn to hunt foxes? Yeah, really. Again, probably too much tinsel. Again, No Reverb.Rock
SchmexRhombus rock for power trio; guitar, bass, drums, keys (midi foot controllers). I chose the title, because it's a little tilted. I played all the instruments. And recorded it on a little Tascam DP-008EX.Rock
Songs by RequestDon't Let Go - DemoThis is part of a concept album telling the story of a relationship that never quite comes together. This is midway throughPop
TeeKayEnJFK Vs Frankenstein John Carpenter inspired track. The imagined theme to my terrible screenplayElectronic
The Wizards of VomitSpace Reclaiming Icicle Plot Against Humanity song is about an icicle that is slowly but steadily reclaiming space and time for itself and other icicles.Noise, Rock
Twilight SleepDisparate Means (Excerpt)
Walter NoonsIt's All About Me critique of persons refusing to be vaccinated against COVIDPop
September 1

Record Every Month Challenge Deadline

October 1

Record Every Month Challenge Deadline