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REM Listening Party

  • St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador Canada (map)

Join us for this month’s Record Every Month Listening Party, starting at 4:30pm Newfoundland Standard Time. Find your local time here.

Listening Stream: RPM Challenge Radio
Live Chat: RPM Challenge Discord server

A Herd of TurtlesGorilla BalletJazzWe started the REM Challenge last December so this is our twelfth submission to the challenge. Thirteen songs over 12 months. What a ride. We had no title for this until after completing recording the bass player shorts out Gorilla Ballet. Voilà.
Aaron ParysDisrupted SkiesElectronic, AmbientWith the Transition to Winter and the Changing of the Seasons I felt a need to add Music to the current mood ...experimenting with different instruments/Sounds ... Created a video as well
AMUCSomewhenElectronic, SynthIt began as a basic tracker-style instrumental piece, but then the narrative from the last few REM songs steered it in a different direction.
Big RipsCan't Go With YouRockIt's a love song about trying to break up with my anxiety. (Editor's note: it didn't work)
Bukupanda (remixing Umbrella State Broadcasting)Pentheus (Buku Broadcast Mix)Hip-hopUmbrella State Broadcasting’s “Pentheus” was a previous REM submission (July ‘22). I was asked if I wanted to try my hand at a remix of a track off of the EP it’s a part of, and “Pentheus” is the one I chose, sampling some choice snippets from a stereo mix of the track to build around. I did that, and wrote and recorded some words to boot, inspired by the Pentheus legend (of course) and the Star Wars show Andor whose finale was fresh in my mind.
Cabiria LightlyChsrmAmbient, Experimental
Coyote SenateSad Low NewsIndie, RockI was inspired by a comment @BigRips made, "I guess you've heard the sad Low news." Just stuck with me, had a good meter. So here's this--vocals by KJ Johnson
David ThorleySteamPopA love song. I got a bit carried away.
Evil SuitcaseLooking GoodPop, DanceI was playing with some old digital synths, and one of them asked if I would do an early 90's style track so it could relive its glory days. So I tried to do a sort of 90's banger style track using some classic sounds from the synths. Not sure I really hit it, but at least it hopefully has some of that flavor. Guest vocals by Patricia Wake.
Fawkes MaskFociliaElectronic, Experimental
In_wintert1me sh1ftsAmbient, IndieThis is a little lo-fi thingy that I decided to record with my iphone 4 that I've had for about 10 years instead of doing it the regular more polished way. I felt like it would make the track more authentic and nostalgic
Jai Mohanburn me outSinger-Songwriter, Rock
Jai MohanteethSinger-Songwriter, Rock
Lil BitsLed by FishDark, ElectronicI resampled an old song inspired by an album by Filmmaker. The song is about Ulrich who wakes up after sleeping in for several era's to a world in which fish have taken control of the shadow government's shadow government.
LR Friberg feat. MelophobiaBack To The GameAmbient, Electronic
Luna PonderosaYuley McYulefacePop, RetroNew wave Xmas song! Guest vox from The Ghost. More sleighbell.
Malady of Knots & fencepostThe Price of Stone : NewgrangeExperimental, Field Recording
Mikey Hogan's Synths and AngstPositive ThinkingElectronic, Singer-SongwriterIt's been a stressful week at work so I let the arps do most of the heavy lifting
Prince Joseph DassahMalfunctionIndieI initially wanted to submit a Christmas song for this edition but, I fell sick and couldn't. That'll be next January. I decided to submit this really cool song that I wrote mid November, and I hope y'all love the music. I'm also releasing a chriChris song to all streaming platforms titled "only one present" hope you listen.
PxpXecndElectronicQuasimidi Raven and guitar pedals, recorded to 2 track cassette tape
SalmanThe Moody March of MayhewDark, SoundtrackMade a galloping Andor-inspired theme for an imaginary show!
Savory FlakesOrdinaryRockOh, you pernicious Record Every Month Challenge, how I luv ya!
SchmexMammatusSoundtrack, ClassicalFluffy snowball ceilings on the underbellies of clouds Thunderheads. just because the storm has passed don't dismiss the overcast
T.Z1Shuriken22RockGarageband drums, synth, bass, & guitar loops mixed with some vocals fx from johnnypanic of . Scottytone fx added in bandlab
TeeKayEnHighway DriveSynth, DanceA track about driving fast at night
The Irregular DecagonI Sing To MyselfPop, SynthI wrote the song when I started singing to myself to get through a difficult moment. I decided to turn it into a song. I also created a music video to add to the artistic factor of this expression.
The Vague MiraclesThesbianRock, Electronici'm not totally sure
The Wizards of VomitCrunchyGuitar, IndieMy first ever track featuring the usage of an equalizer i'm t
Thorsten NeschBefore the Angels comeSinger-SongwriterThis is a song from my 1 EP a month series that started Jan.2022. My wife once asked me why I didn't write any song about her. So I did.
Tribe of AstronautsGradientsAmbient, Spoken Word
November 5

REM Listening Party

January 7

REM Listening Party